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Academic Support

The following courses do not fall under a specific department.  However, they are credit bearing courses that have curriculum requirements and receive letter grades. They can be selected as electives by students in the appropriate grade ranges.


List of 4 frequently asked questions.

  • 规划

    Students will deliver quality performance on time

    Students will:
    • Set realistic and attainable goals
    • Create and execute action plans to aid in completion of work
    • Evaluate progress periodically and take corrective actions as needed by reviewing, asking questions, and speaking with teachers

    Students will establish and develop systems to learn and retain information

    Students will:
    • Create methods to review information utilizing various methods of learning
    • Use appropriate tools and resources to accomplish tasks such as turning in assignments, taking notes, and organizing information
    • Develop note taking aids for ease of access and to support understanding of content
    • 使用提示, questions, and structures within texts and classroom lessons to support reading comprehension and writing skills
    • Use and create organizers to understand and implement the writing process
    • Utilize several modes of studying and reviewing such as graphic organizers, peer review, etc.
    • Use technology improve academic performance
    • Organize information to support research and project-based learning

    Students will demonstrate accountability and self-direction

    Students will:
    • Work regularly and efficiently independently or with others to accomplish task during dedicated time
    • Develop strategies to manage and resolve conflicts with peers/teachers
    • Demonstrate accountability in using technology for appropriate purposes
  • COLLEGE 规划

    Students will create for post secondary plans

    Students will:
    • Complete all necessary steps to enroll in a post secondary school
    • Research and dialogue around post secondary school options

Course Offerings

List of 3 items.

  • Academic Enrichment CP

    Academic Enrichment course provides a progressive curriculum of study skills including: learning tools for diverse learning styles, self-advocacy awareness and application, test taking strategies, organizational development guidelines, and other specifically designed curriculum directed toward the goal of preparing students for successful work completion in each of their classes. Students will learn planning and task initiative in order to improve their ability to deliver quality performance on time; self monitoring and advocacy so that they may demonstrate accountability and self direction independently and with others; technology use in order to familiarize them with Mullen popular software and technology uses; and flexible thinking to establish and develop systems and tools to retain and apply information. Students are able to take this course once during their Mullen career.
    Taught by Ms. Liz Castellano
  • Recitation

  • Study Skills I