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The Mullen 健康 Department's Mission is to educate the whole student to facilitate the develop healthy life long habits.  This is done through the education of mental wellness and physical wellness through a variety of sub topics including but not limited to, 压力的话题, 决策技巧, 营养, 当涉及到市场营销时,为自己着想, importance of physical fitness in a multitude of settings and modalities, 设定目标以及如何努力实现目标. 



  • 目标与成长

    学生将能够 解释目标设定与个人成长的关系. (Grad at Grad: Excellence in Education, Participation within Inclusive Community)
    1. Analyze information and form a health decision and assess competition.
    2. Evaluate positives in accomplishments and in failures to advance positively.
  • 健康和体育活动

    学生将能够 analyze and synthesize the relationship between the health and physical activity. (毕业时:卓越教育) 
    1. Have a working understanding of human anatomy and how different types of activities affect their health
    2. Compare and contrast different principles of fitness and come to a conclusion.
  • 生活方式

    学生将能够 解释健康生活方式的重要性.​​ (Grad at Grad: Faith in Presence of God, Excellence in Education) 
    1. Make connections between different physical activities and how if affects their mind body and soul.
    2. Analyze between different choices and how each contribute to their overall health.
    3. 将社会和精神因素与身体健康联系起来.
  • 尊重与活动

    学生将能够 demonstrate respect for all in a variety of physical activities.​ (毕业典礼:关心穷人和社会正义. Excellence in Education, Respect for All Persons, Participation within Inclusive Community) 
    1. Demonstrate proper etiquette and respect in a variety of settings.
    2. Apply knowledge of different skills and be able to use the appropriate equipment correctly.
  • 技术

    学生将能够 demonstrate technique and its role in fitness, health and injury.(Grad at Grad: Faith in the Presence of God, Excellence in Education, Respect for All Persons) 
    1. Demonstrate proper technique in a variety of activities and situations.
    2. 客观地分析不同的技巧和形式.
    3. 描述技术如何预防和修复损伤.





  • 高级运动医学

    侧重于评价的大学水平课程, 运动损伤的治疗和康复. Students will know and understand the various 治疗模式, 评估过程, 康复的阶段, as well as the healing process of soft tissue and bone and how each component works cohesively together to help athletes recover from an injury.
  • 体育与健身文化

    This is a dress-out course designed for students not formally involved in Mullen 体育运动. 这门课把文化和体育结合在一起. Students will see how culture has impacted sports around the world and will play the different sports to obtain a deeper understanding of the sport and culture connection. The course will present a variety of fitness opportunities to promote lifelong personal fitness. Students will set personal fitness goals and participate in group-led workouts that focus on improving muscle tone, 肌肉力量, 肌肉耐力, 心肺耐力, 和灵活性. This course fulfills the 健康 elective graduation requirement. 
  • 健康与福利

    This REQUIRED course is designed to inform and educate the student so that he / she may gain an understanding of how to promote a healthier lifestyle. 讨论了健康的三个组成部分. The importance of integrating physical, mental, and social health are taught. 这门课将涉及营养学, 饮食失调, 心肺复苏, 急救, 传染病和非传染病, 心脏病发作, 骨质疏松症, 1型和2型糖尿病, 中风, 高血压。, 以及某些癌症. 酒精和药物滥用的危险也将包括在内. Students will learn the importance of being a wise consumer. Students will engage in research projects, homework, tests, and will take a cumulative final exam.
  • 运动医学CP

    This course is designed to give students an introduction into the field of professional health care, 强调运动训练. This course will give students basic knowledge and skills of anatomy, 生理学, 病理。, 急救护理, 运动训练的任务和责任, 医学术语, 一般医疗条件, 运动损伤的预防与护理, 适当的绑扎和支撑技能, 治疗模式, appropriate stretching and strengthening techniques when dealing with rehabilitation. This class is set up to have lecture days and lab days where students practice skills. 学生将获得为期两年的急救证书, 成人心肺复苏/AED, 孩子, 以及美国红十字会认可的婴儿. This class includes an optional internship that students can apply knowledge to practical situations
  • 强度 & 调节

    This course is a dress-out class designed to give students the opportunity to learn fitness concepts and conditioning techniques used for obtaining optimal physical fitness to develop life-long wellness habits.  This course will focus on strength training in the weight room for the majority of the time and introduce students to concepts of 营养, 速度, 敏捷性, 灵活性, and building one's own program to accommodate personal life-long wellness goals. This course fulfills the 健康 elective graduation requirement. 
  • 团队运动

    This is a dress-out class with the goal to develop the physical skills necessary to participate in many forms of movement, knowledge of team sports concepts such as offensive and defensive strategies and tactics, and appropriate social behaviors within a team or group setting. The integration of fitness concepts throughout the content is critical to the success of this course. Students will be engaged in a variety of team activities including but not limited to volleyball, 夺旗橄榄球, eclipse球, 极限飞盘, 垒球, 网球, 和篮球. Cooperative team play, skills, and sportsmanship will be taught and enforced. This course fulfills the 健康 elective graduation requirement.